S. Tsuchida 2003 Story 1

Table abbrevations:

PT= phonetic transcription

NR= normalized representation 

GE= gloss English

FTE= free translation English

FTC= free translation Chinese

OT= original transcription Shigeru Tsuchida 2003

OG= original gloss Shigeru Tsuchida 2003

OFTE= original free translation Shigeru Tsuchida 2003

This story was originally recorded by Shigeru Tsuchida in February 1969. The speaker is Angaiana Paepuli.

The original transcription and analysis is published in:

Tsuchida, Shigeru 2003. Kanakanavu Texts (Austronesian Formosan). Osaka: Osaka Gakuin University (Endangered Languages of the Pacific Rim. ELPR Publications Series A3-014).  

For details regarding the revision/ reediting of the text please refer to ‚Language Documentation‘.

Sound file:

Shooting the sun

rf ST03_01_01
PT te: pa ku paɾaʔʉna pu i:sua sua nipaɾaanaɾa napaɾamatʃi miena sua ni pana taniaɾʉ
NR tee-pa ku para‘ʉna puiisua sua ni-paraanara naparamaci miena sua ni-pana taniarʉ
GE will.be-CONT 1SG.A inform talk.about.that RP RSLTV-originate Naparamaci long.ago RP RSLTV-shoot sun
FTE I will be talking about the origin of Naparamaci long ago, the one who shot the sun.
FTC 現在開始說以前一個射太陽的故事
OT tiá+ +pa +ku paará-‘ena pu-a-íisua sua+ ni-palá-anal-a naparamáci miána, sua+ ni-mu-paná'e taníare.
OG will.be. still I inform talk-that OBL originated Naparamaci ago OBL shot sun
OFTE I shall narrate about the event of Naparamaci who shot the sun long time ago.
rf ST03_01_02
PT tavaɾaʔo: sua i:si ikamu tatingi manasii kaʔan kam ɽaimi nu esi pa kamu nu anuna
NR tavara-o sua iisi ikamu tati'ing manasii ka'aan kamu raimi nu 'esi-pa kamu nu anʉna
GE know-IMP RP PROX 2PL.A children so.that NEG 2PL.A forget if be.located-CONT 2PL.A if future
FTE Know this (listen), you little ones, so that you won't forget that if you are still there in the future.
FTC 你們年輕人要聽這個故事,這樣的話你們以後絕對不會忘記
OT taavalá'-au sua+ íisi, íi-kamu taa-ti'íng-ai, manasii ka'áne +kámu ru-aími nu+ 'áisi +pa +kamu nu+ anéan-a.
OG know(PF, Imp.) NOM this you small-ones so-that not you forget if be still you if future
OFTE Know this, you youngsters, so that you won't forget as long as you live in the future.
rf ST03_01_03
PT ate:ŋʔo sua makasi sua i:si ya tia naka sipuʔuʔʉn mita sanipaɾaʔan(aɾa) (ne)ta miena
NR ateeng'-o sua makasi sua isi ia tia naka sipuu'ʉn mita sua ni-para'an(ara) ta miena
GE remember-IMP RP like.this RP PROX TOP will.be convey story POSS:1PI RP RSLTV-originate POSS:1PI long.ago
FTE remember/think about this, our story will convey our origin long ago.
FTC 絕對不要忘記這個故事
OT ateneng-áu sua+ maká-sia sua+ iisi +ia tia+ naka si-pu-'e-'ená +mita sa+ ni-pala-anal-á +neta miá-na
OG remember (PF-Imp.) NOM like-this NOM this TOP fut. thing-recited our NOM habit our ago
OFTE Remember like this that we are going to tell about our ancient event.
rf ST03_01_04
PT kanakanavu sua i:si naʔʉna
NR kanakanavu sua iisi na'ʉna
GE Kanakanavu RP PROX ex.story
FTE This is a Kanakanavu story.
FTC 這是Kanakanavu的故事
OT kanakanávu sua+ iisi na-'éna.
OG Kanakanavu NOM this ex-story
OFTE This is a Kanakanavu story.
rf ST03_01_05
PT sua tia ʉna maku ya te: maku puamuamuaɾ ʉnʉ sua nanakʉ nirumiuʔu miena
NR sua tia ʉna maku ia tee maku puamuamuar-ʉn sua nanakʉ ni-r<um>ariu'u miena
GE RP will.be story POSS:1SG TOP will.be 1SG.U talk.about-UV1 RP woman RSLTV-fish.with.net <AV> long.ago
FTE As for my story, I will talk about a woman who went out for fishing by a big net (scoopnet).
FTC 現在說這個故事,以前有一個女人用網子去抓魚.
OT sua+ tia+ 'ená +maku +ia, tiá+ +maku pua-mua-muár-ene sua+ nanáke ni-l/um/iú'u miá-na.
OG NOM will.be. story my TOP will.be. my talk-about(PF) NOM woman fished-by-scoopnet ago
OFTE As for my story, I'm going to talk about a woman who fished with ascoop-net in old days.
rf ST03_01_06
PT ɾumaɾiuʔu kani sua nanakʉ
NR r<um>ariu'u kani sua nanakʉ
GE fish.with.net <AV> QUOT RP woman
FTE That woman went fishing (with a net).
FTC 那個女人去抓魚
OT l/um/a-liú'u +kani sua+ nanáke.
OG fish-by-scoopnet(AF) it-is-said NOM woman
OFTE The woman was fishing with a scoop-net.
rf ST03_01_07
PT paɾate(a) nʉ kan ke: sua sanap(i)sepi
NR para-tʉ(a)n-ʉn kan kei sua sanap(i)sepi
GE fish.out-UV1 QUOT 3.A RP driftwood
FTE She fished out that driftwood.
FTC 拿很短的木材(木頭)
OT para-tea-nené +kani +kiái sua+ sanapisápi.
OG scoop (PF) it-is-said her NOM driftwood
OFTE She scooped a driftwood.
rf ST03_01_08
PT aɾaʔʉn kan kei tumeini vaɾuvaɾu tsanum
NR ara-'ʉn kan kei t<um>eini varuvaru canum
GE take-UV1 QUOT 3.A throw.away<AV> rapids water
FTE She took it and threw it into the rapids (of water).
FTC 把木材(木頭)丟到水裡面
OT ala-ené +kani +kiái t/um/áini valúvalu canúmu.
OG take (PF) it-is-said her throw-away rapids water
OFTE She picked it up and threw it away in the rapids of water.
rf ST03_01_09
PT te: kan maɾaʔʉnaʔʉuna ɾumuʔu paɾateinʉ kan kei
NR tee kan mara'ʉna'ʉna r<um>aru'u paratei-nʉ kan kei
GE will.be QUOT take.again fish.with.net <AV> fish.out-UV1 QUOT 3.A
FTE while still fishing, she fished it (the wood) out again.
FTC 他在抓魚,但是抓到木材(木頭)
OT tiá+ +kani mara-'ená'ena l/um/íu'u, para-teá-nene +kani +kiái.
OG will.be. it-is-said scoop-again (AF) fish-by-scoopnet scoop it-is-said her
OFTE She fished again with a scoop-net, but she scooped the wood.
rf ST03_01_10
PT masangin kan tu inia
NR masang-in kan cu 'inia
GE tired-3 QUOT COS 3.U
FTE She got tired.
FTC 他很累
OT ma-sángai +káni +cu 'inía.
OG tired it-is-said already with-it
OFTE She got tired.
rf ST03_01_11
PT ʔatʃu kan aɾʉʔʉ kei masuvuku sua sanap(i)sepi
NR 'acu kan ara'ʉn kei masuvuku sua sanap(i)sepi
GE certain QUOT take-UV1 3.A insert.belt RP driftwood
FTE she took the driftwood and stuck it into her belt.
FTC 把木材(木頭)插進皮帶裡
OT 'acú+ +kani alá-ene +kiái masú+vuku sua+ sanapisápi.
OG cartain it-is-said take (PF) her stick-at-belt (AF) NOM driftwood
OFTE She took the driftwood to stick at the belt.
rf ST03_01_12
PT mutsa:n cu ma:ʔas tana:sa
NR mucaan cu makaasi tanasa
GE go (AV) COS toward house
FTE She went home.
FTC 他回到家裡
OT mu-caáne +cu maká-asi taanáasa.
OG go already toward home
OFTE She went home.
rf ST03_01_13
PT aɾasuɾumu akia (akya) inia ha ka:ɾu sanap(i)sepi
NR arasurumu 'akia 'inia sua karu sanap(i)sepi
GE suddenly.imperceptible none 3.U RP tree driftwood
FTE The driftwood was not to see anymore, it was gone.
FTC 木材(木頭)一下子就不見了
OT ara-surúmu 'akía +cu +inía ha+ káalu sanapisápi.
OFTE Without being noticed the driftwood disappeared.
rf ST03_01_14
PT aɾasuɾumu ʔesi nipivuɾa nanakʉ
NR arasurumu 'esi ni-pivura nanakʉ
GE suddenly.imperceptible be.located RSLTV-pregnant woman
FTE Not seen by anyone, the woman was pregnant.
FTC 那個女人一下子就大肚子(懷孕)了
OT ara-surúmu 'áisi ni-pívura nanáke.
OG unawares be pregnant woman
OFTE Unawares the woman became pregnant.
rf ST03_01_15
PT maɾamiaɾanou taʉsʉʔʉta aɾasumuɾu ka:manumanu
NR maramiaranou tarʉsʉ'ʉta arasumuru kamanuumanu
GE afterwards a.little suddenly.imperceptible make.child
FTE Afterwards, not seen by anyone, she gave birth to a child.
FTC (不到半個月)一下子就生出小孩了.
OT mara-mia-ranáu tare-séete-a, ara-surúmu kaa-manú-manu.
OG pass a while a little unawares make-child
OFTE After a while she gave birth to a child secretly.
rf ST03_01_16
PT ka:manumanue inia sua i:sua man(u)saɾunei matsei tsu sua na:tʃin(a)ʔin
NR kamanuumanu 'inia sua isua manusaronei m-acei cu sua nacin(a)-in
GE make.child 3.U RP DIST male.child AV-die COS RP ex.mother-POSS:3
FTE She gave birth to a baby boy, then the mother died.
FTC 生下男孩子後,女人就馬上死掉了
OT kaa-manu-manú-ai 'inía sua+ íisua manu-saruanái, macái +cu sua+ naa-ciiná +ini.
OG make-child with-her NOM child-male die already NOM ex-mother his
OFTE When she gave birth to that boy, she (= his dead mother) died.
rf ST03_01_17
PT metʃitʃin tsu nana:ɾa tsu sua isua
NR mecicin cu nanara cu sua isua
GE time.single COS orphan COS RP DIST
FTE That time he was allone, he was an orphan.
FTC 只有一個人.
OT mia-cii-cíni +cu, naanáala +cu sua+ íisua.
OG allone already orphan already NOM that
OFTE He became alone, an orphan.
rf ST03_01_18
PT ʔesi inia tamu in tamu in saɾunei
NR 'esi 'inia tamu-in tamu-in saronei
GE be.located 3.U grandparent-POSS.3 grandparent-POSS male
FTE There was his grandparent around, his grandfather.
FTC 男孩子要與別人商量(?)
OT 'áisi 'inía tamú +ini, tamú +ini saruanái.
OG be with-him grandparents his grandparents his male
OFTE He had a grandfather.
rf ST03_01_19
PT sua ma:nu isua ya aɾaei tsu inia makaɾkaɾi tsu sua tsau
NR sua manu isua ia aranai cu 'inia makarikari cu sua cau
GE RP child DIST TOP come.from COS 3.U discuss COS RP people
FTE As for this child, since then the people talked about it.
FTC 要到男孩子家商量
OT (sua maánu íisua ia) ara-anái +cu +'inia, ma-a-kari-karí +cu sua+ cáau.
OG NOM child that TOP from already with-it consult already NOM people
OFTE Then, people talked over.
rf ST03_01_20
PT puʔuna tsakʉɾʉ te: tsu puaʔisua ka:vu:vu:ɾu
NR pu'una cakʉrʉ tee cu pua'isua (sua) kaavuuvuuru
GE talking-EXIST men's.house will.be COS talk.about.that RP hunting
FTE They were talking in the men's house, discussing the hunting (using bow and arrow).
OT pu-a-'e-'éna cakéare, tiá+ +cu pu-a-íisua kaa-vuu-vúuru.
OG talk-over men's-house will.be. already talk-that hunting-ritual
OFTE At the men's house people talked over about the hunting ritual.
rf ST03_01_21
PT makaɾikaɾi kan sua tsau puʔuna tsakuɾʉ tia te isua ʉtʃʉpʉ mamanu
NR makariikari kan sua cau pu-'una cakurʉ tia pu'isua ʉcʉpʉ mamanu
GE discuss QUOT RP people talking-EXIST men's.house will.be talk.about.that dream children
FTE The people discussed at the men's house, talking about the dreams the children had.
FTC 大家到男孩子那裡商量,什麼人的運氣好
OT ma-a-kari-karí +kani sua+ cáau pu-á-'ena cakéare, tia+ pu-a-‘íisua 'ecépe ma-mánu.
OG consult it-is-said NOM people talk-over men's-house will.be. talk-that dream children
OFTE At the men's house people talked over about the dream which youngsters had.
rf ST03_01_22
PT akia ʔinia sua mustea mamanʉŋ ʉtʃʉpin
NR 'akia 'inia sua mustea mamanʉng ʉcʉp-in
GE none 3.U RP suit good dream-POSS:3
FTE There was no suitable dream for the ritual.
FTC 昨天晚上沒有人做了好夢
OT 'akía +'inía sua+ musé-tea ma-mánenge 'ecép +ini.
OG none with-them NOM fit good dream their
OFTE There was no good dream fit for the ritual.
rf ST03_01_23
PT masua kan tsu sua tamuʔin na:i kitanamei kisoinei ma:nu i:si misa kani
NR makasua kan cu sua tamu-'in naai kitanam-ei kisoin-ei manu isi misa kani
GE DM QUOT COS RP grandparent-POSS:3 well try.to.ask-IMP try.to.say-IMP child PROX RPRT QUOT
FTE If it is like that (that you guys don't have anybody else to ask), the grandfather said,"well, try to ask this child".
FTC 爺爺說如果沒有人的話先問看看那個孩子.
OT maka-ásua +kaní +cu sua+ tamú +ini, "náai, ki-tanam-ái ki-suanái maánu íisi," mi-sá +kani.
OG then it-is-said already NOM grandfather his well ask-try ask(AF) child this say it-is-said
OFTE Then his grandfather said, "Well, try to ask this child."
rf ST03_01_24
PT kisoenaɾei sua tsau sua ma:nu
NR kisoenar-ei sua cau sua manu
GE try.to.say-? RP people RP child
FTE The people tried to ask the child.
FTC 那個人問孩子
OT ki-suanal-ái +kani sua+ cáau sua+ maánu.
OG ask it-is-said OBL people NOM child
OFTE People tried to ask the child.
rf ST03_01_25
PT pu:muamuaɾei kan inia
NR puamuamuar-ei kan 'inia
GE talk-UV2 QUOT 3.U
FTE He talked to them.
FTC 一直在商量
OT puu-mua-muar-ái +kani +'inía.
OG talk-about it-is-said
OFTE He talked to them.
rf ST03_01_26
PT matavetʂeke kani sipu:muamuaɾʉʔin ʉtʃʉpin patiuɾei kan sua tamuʔin sua ivitʃi ma:nu
NR matavʉcʉke kani sipuumuamuarʉ-'in ʉcʉp-in pa-tiurei kan sua tamu-in sua ivici manu
GE in.the.middle QUOT speech-POSS:3 dream-POSS:3 CAUS-stop QUOT RP grandparent-POSS:3 RP mouth child
FTE When he was telling them his imagination (of the ritual), his grandfather stopped (the mouth of ) the child.
FTC 小孩和爺爺商量夢
OT mata-vecekái +kani si-puu-mua-muár +ini 'ecép +ini, pa-tiul-ái +kani sa tamú +ini sua+ ivíci maánu.
OG go-middle it-is-said things-talked his dream his make-stop-talk it-is-said OBL grandfather his NOM mouth child
OFTE When he talked half of his dream, his grandfather covered the mouth of the child with his hand to stop him talking.
rf ST03_01_27
PT mutsa:n tsu sua tsa:u ma:-vuvurʉ aɾei tsakʉɾʉ ma tana:sa
NR mucaan cu sua cau maavuvurʉ aranai cakʉrʉ makaasi tanasa
GE go (AV) COS RP people separate come.from men's.house toward house
FTE The people came from the men's house and split to go to their homes.
FTC 走了. 他們分開回各自的家.
OT mu-caané +cu sua+ cáau m-aa-vua-vuáre ara-anái cakéare maká-asi taanáasa.
OG go already NOM people part-with from men's-house toward house
OFTE People parted with each other from the men's house to go home.
rf ST03_01_27a
PT kamu putʃipasu
NR kamu pucipasu
GE 2PL.A ?
rf ST03_01_28
PT te: tsu muʔatsa te: ka:vuvu:ɾu
NR tee cu mu'aca tee kaavuuvuuru
GE will.be COS go (AV) will.be hunting
FTE They went to have the hunting ritual.
FTC 回家準備製作弓箭
OT tiá +cu mu-á-ca tia+ kaa-vuu-vúuru.
OG will.be. already go will.be. hunting-ritual
OFTE The hunting ritual was going to be held.
rf ST03_01_29
PT ma:nu kan i:sua sua nimuʔuɾuʔuɾu
NR manu kan isua sua ni-mu'uru'uru
GE child QUOT DIST RP RSLTV-go.first
FTE The child was the one who went first.
FTC 小孩先走了
OT maánu +kani íisua sua+ ni-mu-Ɂulu-Ɂúlu.
OG child it-is-said that NOM wwent-first
OFTE The one who went first was the child.
rf ST03_01_30
PT maɾpa:pa tsa:u. mutsa:n tsu ka:vuvu:ɾu ha tsau
NR maripaapa cau mucaan cu kaavuuvuuru sua cau
GE take.along(AV) people go (AV) COS hunting RP people
FTE The people were taken along to the hunting ritual.
FTC 我帶你去. 回家準備做弓箭
OT mari-páapa sua+ cáau. mu-caané +cu kaa-vuu-vúuru ha cáau.
OG lure-out-to-go-with NOM people go already hunting-ritual NOM people
OFTE People went with each other to the hunting ritual.
rf ST03_01_31
PT poʔiʔi makani te:tʃiureni te: tsu aɾeis tia apiapʉ:tʉ
NR poi'i makai teeciure-ni tee cu areisi tia apiapʉʉtʉ
GE return like dawn-POSS:3 will.be COS stay.overnight.in.mountains(?) will.be do.shooting.ritual(?)
FTE They returned in the morning, they stayed in the mountains and did a shooting ritual.
FTC 一大早起來要準備apia-pe:tʉ(製作短的弓箭先射擊小鳥做測試)
OT pu-ái'i makai teetasi'ar +íni tia+ +cu aráisi, tia+ 'apia-péete
OG return like dawn its will.be. already stay-in-montains will.be. do.shooting.ritual
OFTE About dawn they returned, and stayed in the mountains (for the first time after kaavuuvuuru) and were going to practice shooting ritual.
rf ST03_01_32
PT ʉtunei kan sua tsau sua seisi: pa: sanuku:vu:vu kan sua tsau
NR ʉtun-ei kan sua cau sua seisii paasanukuuvuuvu kan sua cau
GE find-UV2 QUOT RP people RP jaw.bone lie.upside.down QUOT RP people
FTE People found a jaw bone in an upside down position.
FTC 後來找到山豬的骨頭,將山豬翻過來
OT etea-nái +kani cáau sua+ saísi pa-a-sani-kuvukuvú +kani sua+ cáau
OG find it-is-said people NOM jaw-bone lying-face-downward it-is-said OBL people
OFTE People found a jaw-bone of a wild pig put upside down.
rf ST03_01_33
PT nu te:in apiapʉtʉ meitsa kan inia sua ma:nu na:na:ɾa
NR nu tee-in apiapʉʉtʉ maica kan 'inia sua manu nanara
GE if will.be-COND(?) do.shooting.ritual(?) pass QUOT 3.U RP child orphan
FTE If someone did the shooting ritual, the orphan child must have been passed this way.
FTC (與前一句合併)
OT nuu+ tiá+ +ini 'apia-péete, maí-ca +kani 'inía sua+ maáánu naánala.
OG if will.be. hid do-shooting-ritual pass it-is-said there NOM child orphan
OFTE If (there is someone who) practiced shooting ritual ('apia-péete), it must be the orphan child who passed here.
rf ST03_01_34
PT aɾtakaɾin esi inia sua seisi pasanivouvou
NR aritakar-ei 'esi 'inia sua seisi pasanivouvou
GE rise-UV2 be.located 3.U RP jaw.bone put.upward
FTE They put the jaw bone in the right position.
FTC 朝上面放好
OT ari-takar-ái +kani 'inía sua+ saísi pa-sani-vauváu.
OG raise it-is-said NOM jaw-bone lying-face-upward
OFTE They set up the jaw-bone in the normal position!
rf ST03_01_35
PT maka:si nu te: kia apiapʉ:tʉ
NR makasi nu tee kia apiapʉʉtʉ
GE like.this if will.be 1SG.A.CONTR do.shooting.ritual(?)
FTE "If it is like this we (can) do the shooting ritual."
FTC 他要開始apia-pʉtʉ
OT "maká-asi nuu+ tia+ +kia 'apia-péete."
OG like-this if will.be. our do-shooting-ritual
OFTE It should be like this if we practice shooting ritual."
rf ST03_01_36
PT kaʔan mamanʉŋ nu:tein sumsanku:vu:
NR ka'aan mamanʉng nuu tee-in s<um>aasanikuuvuu
GE NEG good if will.be-CON(?) put.upside.down<AV>
FTE "It is not good if it is put upside down."
FTC 不要上下顛倒放置
OT "ka'áne ma-mánenge nuu+ tiá+ +ini s/um/a-sani-kuvúkuvu."
OG not good if will.be. his put-face-down
OFTE It is not good if he put it upside down”.
rf ST03_01_37
PT te: sumasanvouvou sua seisi manasi sumasananan misei sua napaɾamatʃi
NR tia s<um>asanvouvou sua seisi manasi s<um>asanianan misei sua naparamaci
GE will.be put.face.up <AV> RP jaw.bone so.that put.face.right >AV> RPRT RP Naparamaci
FTE "The jaw bone has to be in the right position so that the jaw lies with the right side up", said Naparamaci.
FTC Naparamaci說:山豬的頷骨一定要在右手邊
OT “tia+ s/um/a-sani+vaúvau sua+ saísi manasi s/um/a-sani-anáne," mi-sái sua+ naparamáci.
OG will.be. pu-face-up NOM jaw so-that put-face-rightside may OBL Naparamaci
OFTE "The jaw-bone should be put in the normal position with the rightside of the jaw up," said the ancestors.
rf ST03_01_38
PT aɾanei tsu sua mʉtʉʔʉn cu cʉpʉŋin sua ma:nu i:sua
NR aranai cu sua mʉtʉ-'ʉn cu cʉpʉng-in sua manu isua
GE come.from COS RP find-UV1 COS mind-POSS:3 RP child DIST
FTE Since then they found out what this child had in mind.
FTC 小孩子想到了
OT ara-anái +cu sua me-téane +cu cepéng +ini sua+ maánu íisua.
OG from already =iisua? find already mind his OBL child that
OFTE Hence they found what that child thought.
rf ST03_01_39
PT te:tsu tia panaʔʉn taniarʉ misei
NR tee cu tia pana-'ʉn taniarʉ misei
GE will.be COS will.be shoot-UV1 sun RPRT
FTE "He will shoot the sun", they said.
FTC 他們說:他(小孩)要射太陽
OT "tia+ paná'-ene taníare," mi-sái.
OG will.be. shoot(PF) sun say
OFTE "He will shoot the sun," they said.
rf ST03_01_40
PT sua vu:rin ya nika:manʉŋa va:va tutui sia ʔuɾupatsaʔin
NR sua vuur-in ia ni-kaamanʉnga vava tutui sia'urupacai-'in
GE RP bow-POSS:3 TOP RSLTV-make.good rib pig thing.to.kill-POSS:3
FTE As for his bow, it was made of a pig rib, a thing for killing purpose.
FTC 用豬的肋骨做成弓箭用來射(太陽)
OT sua+ vuúr +ini +ia, ni-kaa-máneng-a váava tutúi sua+ si-a-'uru-pacá +ini.
OG NOM bow his TOP made rib pig NOM thing-used his
OFTE For his bow, it was made of a pig-rib, which was the thing used by him.
rf ST03_01_41
PT e:si kan mia(kitngavin)-Bunun-
NR 'esi kan mia-(kitngavin)-Bunun-
GE be.located QUOT -begin (Bunun word)
FTE It started.
FTC 要開始準備(射太陽)
OT 'áisi +kani mi-a-kitngávin [tia+ ni-ru-ané'e].
OG be it-is-said <Bun kitngab: begin began
OFTE It already started.
rf ST03_01_42
PT tia paɾnein tia mupanaʔʉ sua taniaɾʉ yani-muʔuna (kan) tana:sa sua tʃinaʔini ara-si:si:na
NR tia paarane-in tia mu-pana'ʉ sua taniarʉ ia ni-mu-'una (kan) tanasa sua cina-'ini arasi'isiina
GE will.be allow-3 will.be AV-shoot RP sun TOP RSLTV-AV-EXIST QUOT house RP mother-POSS:3 gather.firewood
FTE The one who was allowed to shoot the sun had his mother/aunt at home, who gathered firewood.
FTC 媽媽蒐集了木材(木頭)在家,要準備射太陽
OT tia+ pa-a-naa-náini tia+ mu-a-paná'e sa+ taníare +ia, ni-mu-'uná +kani taanáasa sua+ ciná +ini ara-si'i-si'ína.
OG will.be. go-with-provisions will.be. shoot OBL sun TOP existed it-is-said house NOM mother his go-gather-firewood
OFTE The one who was going to go to shoot the sun had his aunt at home, who went out to gather firewood.
rf ST03_01_43
PT e:si kani una kan sua aɾatsakan apʔaɾaaɾaŋ sua ʔaɾamʉ avaɾa ma:mia
NR 'esi kan 'una kan sua aracakaan api'ara'arang sua 'araam 'avara maamia
GE be.located QUOT EXIST QUOT RP hunt prepare RP meat whatever just
FTE There was a hunting one who prepared whatever meat.
FTC 有個獵人準備所有的肉
OT 'úuna +kani sua+ ara-cakáne api-'ala-'alánge sa+'aláme aavalá'i +máamia.
OG exist it-is-said NOM go-hunting prepare OBL meat whatever just
OFTE There was the one who went hunting to provide meat of any kind.
rf ST03_01_44
PT tia tsamaʔin kʉ:na ka:vaŋvaŋ ka:ɾu musu tana:sa
NR tia camai-'in kʉna kavangvang karu ʉm-'ʉsʉ tanasa
GE will.be side.dish-POSS:3 food all tree AV-store house
FTE His fathers had food and all of the wood and stored it in the house.
FTC 他的父親準備了食物和木材在家
OT tia+ camá +ini kaén-a, kaa+vangévange káalu, um-ése'e taanáasa.
OG will.be father his food all tree store house
OFTE His uncles collected food, all woods, and stored away in the house.
rf ST03_01_45
PT te: noumani musu sei isua tia ei ikui panaʉn napaɾamatʃi musu sua taniaɾʉ kisoe kan tsau
NR tee noumani musu sua isua tia eikui pana'ʉn naparamaci musu sua taniarʉ kisoe kan cau
GE will.be what.for 2SG.U RP DIST will.be stumped shoot-UV1 Naparamaci POSS:2SG RP sun ask QUOT people
FTE "What are you doing with these things?Perhaps your Naparamaci will shoot the sun?" the people said.
FTC 人們問:你要這些東西做甚麼?難道你(Naparamaci)也要射太陽嗎?
OT tia+ naumaní +musu sua+ íisua? tia+ 'ai +ikúai paná'-ene naparamáci +músu sua+ taníare," ki-sa-ené +kani caau.
OG will.be. what-do thy NOM that will.be. perhaps (contempt) shoot(PF) Naparamaci thy NOM sun ask-say(PF) it-is-said people
OFTE What are you going to do with these? Perhaps your Naparamaci is going to shoot the sun?" asked people.
rf ST03_01_46
PT ka:ʔne kan maɾivaɾi sua mama:ɾaŋini
NR ka'aan kan marivari sua mamarang-ini
GE NEG QUOT answer(AV) RP elderly-POSS:3
FTE His parent did not answer.
FTC 他的父母並沒有回答
OT ka'áne +kani +máamia malí-vali sua+ ma-ma-arang +íni.
OG not it-is-said just answer NOM parent his
OFTE His parent did not answer.
rf ST03_01_47
PT kan te: kia arasisina sua ʔakya sisina misa kan ma:mia
NR kan(e) tee kia arasi'isina sua 'akia si'isina misa kan maamia
GE ?likewise? will.be 1SG.A.CONTR gather.firewood RP none firewood RPRT QUOT just
FTE "I'll gather firewood since there will be no firewood", he said only.
FTC 他只說:因為沒有木柴所以我要蒐集些。
OT "káne tiá+ +kia ara-si'i-si'ína sua+ 'akía si'i-si'ína," mi-sá +kani +máamia.
OG likewise will.be. I gather-firewood bacause none firewood say it-is-said just
OFTE "All the same I'll store firewood, because there will be no firewood," he just said.
rf ST03_01_48
PT aɾaɾaʔunusʉ sua i:sua ʔe:si kan tsu kiataɾisi
NR arara'unusʉ sua isua 'esi kan cu kiatarisi
GE finish RP DIST be.located QUOT COS make.rope
FTE He finished that. Then he made a rope.
FTC 當他完成後,接著製作繩索。
OT ala-la'únusu sua+ íisua. 'áisi +kani +cu ki-a-talísi.
OG finish NOM that be it-is-said already make-rope
OFTE That ended. He was making a rope.
rf ST03_01_49
PT tatana pu:ŋana sua niktaɾisi kei
NR tatiana puungana sua ni-kitarisi kei
GE big water.vessel RP RSLTV-make.rope 3.A
FTE The rope he made was big as a water vessel.
FTC 繩索之大有如水盆
OT tatiá-na puungáana sua+ ni-ki-talísi +kiái.
OG bigness water-vessel NOM rope-made his
OFTE The rope he made was as big as a water vessel.
rf ST03_01_50
PT te: no:man musu kisone kan tsau
NR tee noumani musu kisone kan cau
GE will.be what.for 2SG.U ask QUOT people
FTE "What will you do with that?" asked the people.
FTC 人們問:那是什麼?
OT "tia+ naumaní +musu?" ki-sa-ené +kani cáau.
OG will.be. what-do thy ask-say it-is-said people
OFTE "What are you going to do?" asked people.
rf ST03_01_51
PT kaʔan kan ma:mia maɾivaɾi
NR ka'aan kan maamia marivari
GE NEG QUOT just(?) answer(AV)
FTE He just did not answer.
FTC 他就沒有回答
OT ka'ané +kani +máamia mali-vali.
OG not it-is-said just answer
OFTE He just did not answer.
rf ST03_01_52
PT te: kan tsu muʔatsa mata vaʔin
NR tee kan cu mu'aca mataa vai-in
GE will.be QUOT COS go (AV) with friend-POSS:3
FTE He (the child) was going to leave with his friend.
FTC 他(小孩)離開了他的朋友
OT tia+ +kaní +cu mu-á-ca mata valí +ini.
OG will.be- it-is-said already leave with friend his
OFTE He was going to go with his friend.
rf ST03_01_53
PT te: tsu panaʔʉn kei sua taniaɾʉ
NR tee cu pana-'ʉn kei sua taniarʉ
GE will.be COS shoot -UV1 3.A RP sun
FTE They were going to shoot the sun.
FTC 他們要去射太陽
OT tia+ +cu paná'-ene +kiái sua+ taníare.
OG will.be. already shoot(PF) his NOM sun
OFTE They were going to shoot the sun.
rf ST03_01_54
PT kiɾiei kan ʔinia na ta:-kiɾiŋa sua taɾisi
NR kiri-ei kan 'inia na taa-kiringa sua tarisi
GE tie-UV2 QUOT 3.U LOC LOCNR-small.basket RP rope
FTE He tied the rope at a place with a small basket.
FTC 他在某處將繩索和一個小籃子綁在一起
OT kili-ái +kani 'inía na+ taa-kiríng-a sua+ talísi.
OG tie it-is-said at small-basket NOM rope
OFTE He tied the rope at a small basket.
rf ST03_01_55
PT taɾakaɾʔei kan ʔinia tamuʔin
NR tarakari-'ei kan 'inia tamu-'in
GE request-UV2 QUOT 3.U grandparent-POSS:3
FTE He asked his grandfather.
FTC 他問他的爺爺
OT tara-kari-ái +kani +'inía sua+ tamú +íni."
OG ask it-is-said NOM grandfather his
OFTE He asked his grandfather.
rf ST03_01_56
PT nu:maɾikiɾ(l)iŋkiɾ(l)iŋku maɾiʔapsanʉ ya ʔe:s kimiʔei ma:ta
NR nuu mari-kir(l)ing-kir(l)ing ku mari-'a-p(u)sanʉ ia 'esi kimi'ei matʉa
GE if INCH-ring-ring(AV) 1SG.A pull.twice(AV) TOP be.located 1PE.A same
FTE "If I pull the rope twice and make 'ring ring' we will be alive both.
FTC 如果我拉繩子兩次並且發出"喀鈴喀鈴"的聲音,我們兩個就會活下來。
OT "nu mali-kili-kilíngi +ku mari-a-púsa-ne +ia, 'áisi +kimí 'ai ma-átea."
OG if pull-noise I pull-twice TOP be we(excl) perhaps one-person
OFTE "If I pulled the rope twice and made noise 'kiling', we would be alive the same."
rf ST03_01_57
PT nu: maɾiʔanʉku ma:mia ʔakyaʔei tatʃini misa kani
NR nuu mari'anʉ ku maamia 'akia'ei taciin misa kani
GE if pull.once(AV) 1SG.A just none one(person) RPRT QUOT
FTE If I pull it only once, one of us will be not there perhaps", he said.
FTC 他說:如果我只拉一次,那麼我們之中一個人就可能不在了。
OT "nu mari-ané +ku máamia +ia, 'akía +'ai ta-cíni," mi-sá +kani.
OG if pull-once I just TOP none perhaps one-person say it-is-said
OFTE "If I pulled it only once, one of us would be perhaps not alive," he said.
rf ST03_01_58
PT mu:tsa:ne kan tsu muavitʃi sa taɾisi matʃʉkʉna na tapakataɾaʔʉna taniaɾʉ
NR mucaane kan cu mu-avici sua tarisi makacukʉna na tapakatara'una taniarʉ
GE go (AV) QOUT COS AV-take.with RP rope arrive LOC rising.place sun
FTE They took the rope with them and arrived at the place where the sun rises.
FTC 他們帶繩子到太陽升起的地方。
OT mu-caáne +kaní +cu um-ávici sua+ talísi, maka-cekéna na+ ta-paka-tara'ená-a taníare.
OG go it-is-said already carry OBL rope arrive at rising-place sun
OFTE They carried the rope with them, and arrived at the place where the sun rises.
rf ST03_01_59
PT muʔʉna ʔinia muɾamaŋ sa taniaɾʉ
NR mu-'una 'inia mu-ramang sua taniarʉ
GE AV-EXIST 3.U AV-ambush RP sun
FTE They were ambushing the sun.
FTC 他們要伏擊太陽
OT mu-'úna 'inía mu-rámange sa+ taniare.
OG exist at-it ambush OBL sun
OFTE They were ambushing the sun.
rf ST03_01_60
PT aɾaɾakau ka tapakataɾaʔʉnaʔin taniaɾʉ
NR ararakau kan tapakatara'una-'ini taniarʉ
GE appear QUOT rising.place-POSS:3 sun
FTE The sun appeared at the rising place.
FTC 太陽出現在升起的地方。
OT ala-lakáu +kani ta-paka-tara'ená-a +ini taníare.
OG appear it-is-said rising-place its sun
OFTE They were ambushing the sun.
rf ST03_01_61
PT matupuku tu sa tatupuɾuʔini sua takuisin tsumai panaʔei kan ʔinia
NR maritupuku cu sua tatupuru-'ini sua takuis-in cumai pana-'ei kan 'inia
GE throw.away(AV) COS RP sitting.place-POSS:3 RP leather-POSS:3 bear shoot-UV2 QUOT 3.U
FTE He threw the bear leather (he wore) towards the place he sat and then he shot it (the sun).
FTC 他把穿在身上的熊皮衣丟向他坐的地方然後射太陽。
OT mari-tupúku ta-tu-puru-á +ini sa+ takuis +ini cumái, pana'-ái +kani +'inía.
OG hit-dust sitting-place his OBL leather his bear shoot it-is-said
OFTE He dusted his sitting place with his garment made of bear leather, and shot it.
rf ST03_01_62
PT tavʉɾʉ kan sua nimupanaʔʉ
NR tavʉrʉ kan sua ni-mu-pana'ʉ
GE jump.into.water QUOT RP RSLTV-AV-shoot
FTE The one who shot jumped into water.
FTC 射太陽的人跳進水裡。
OT musu-tavére +kani sua+ ni-mu-paná'e.
OG jump-into-water it-is-said NOM shot
OFTE The one who shot jumped into the water.
rf ST03_01_63
PT atsu kan sinakʉna nimuɾuʔin sua na:vaɾiʔin
NR 'acu kan s<in>akʉna nimuuru-'in sua navai-'in
GE certain QUOT hit.mark <RSLTV> blood-POSS:3 RP ex.friend-POSS:3
FTE His former friend must have been hit by its(the sun's) blood. (He died.)
FTC 他之前的朋友被太陽的血擊中。(死亡)
OT 'acú+ +kani s/in/á-kena nimuru' +íni sua+ naa-valí +ini.
OG certain it-is-said hit-mark(PF) blood its NOM ex-friend his
OFTE His friend must have been hit by the blood of the sun. He died.
rf ST03_01_64
PT maɾikiɾ(l)iŋi kan maɾan ma:mia
NR marikilingi kan marian maamia
GE ring(AV) QUOT pull.once(AV) just
FTE He made 'ring ring' and pulled (the rope) just once.
FTC 他發出"喀鈴喀鈴"並只拉繩子一次。
OT mali-kilingí +kani marí-a-ne +máamia.
OG pull-noise it-is-said pull-once just
OFTE He pull the rope just once to make noise 'kiling'.
rf ST03_01_65
PT aɾanei tsu unei (isua?) vʉɾʉŋanaŋ tsu
NR aranai cu 'una-ei (isua?) vʉrʉʉngana cu
GE come.from COS EXIST-UV2 DIST night COS
FTE From that time on, it was night.
FTC 從這時候開始,就是夜晚了。
OT ara-anái +cu úuna íisua, verenganané +cu.
OG from already exist that night already
OFTE Since when it happened, it became dark.
rf ST03_01_66
PT ki:-pa:paʔai tsu ia taɾisi
NR kipapa-'ei cu 'inia tarisi
GE follow-UV2 COS 3.U rope
FTE He went along the rope.
FTC 他帶著繩子走了。
OT kii-paapa-ái +cu +'inía sua+ talísi.
OG go-along already NOM rope
OFTE He went back along the rope.
rf ST03_01_67
PT matpa:pa mamaka:si mutsa:nʉ haipa pia to (Bunun) vʉɾʉŋana maktʃʉkʉɾa tana:sa
NR matipapa makaasi mucaan haipa pia to (BUN) vʉɾʉʉngana makacukʉna tanasa
GE follow(AV) toward go (AV) how many days(Bun) night arrive house
FTE He held the rope and went back, and after several days and nights, he arrived at home.
FTC 他拿著繩子回去。幾天後他抵達家中。
OT mati-páapa makáasi mu-caáne haipa pia to [u-pia-ini taniáara] veréngana maka-cekéna taanáasa.
OG hold-along toward go <Bunun how-may day night arrive house
OFTE He followed the rope by holding it and after several days and nights arrived at home.
rf ST03_01_68
PT ʔes tsu miʔaɾanas si tsa:u
NR 'esi cu mi'aɾanas sua cau
GE be.located COS trouble RP people
FTE The people were in trouble.
FTC 人們很困擾。
OT 'áisi +cu mi-'aranáse si +[sua+] caau.
OG be already trouble NOM people
OFTE People were in trouble.
rf ST03_01_69
PT ʔakya tsu si-siʔinin akya ku kʉneʔin
NR 'akia cu si'si'ina-in 'akia cu kʉna-'in
GE none COS firewood-POSS:3 none COS food-POSS:3
FTE There was no firewood, no food.
FTC 沒有木材也沒有食物
OT 'akía +cu si'i-si'iná +ini, 'akia +cu kaená +ini.
OG none already firewood their none already food their
OFTE There were no firewood, nor foods.
rf ST03_01_70
PT kaʔan tavaɾaʔʉ ʔe:si nipiʔaɾaʔaɾaŋ sua ŋuaini kaʔavaŋ
NR ka'aan tavara'ʉ 'esi ni-papi'aɾa'aɾang sua nguain kavang
GE NEG know be.located RSLTV-prepare RP those all
FTE They did not know that they (Naparamaci's family) prepared for all.
FTC 他們不知道Naparamaci的家人是不是準備了所有人的份。
OT ka'áne taavalá'e 'áisi ni-papi-'ala-'alánge sua+ nguáini kaa-vangévange.
OG not know be prepared NOM those-ones all
OFTE People did not know that they [family of Naparamaci] had prepared for all.
rf ST03_01_70a
rf ST03_01_71
PT ʔakya tsu mam iʔaɾanaseʔin
NR 'akia cu maamia i'aranase-'in
GE none COS just trouble-POSS:3
FTE They had just no trouble.
FTC 他們沒有困擾了
OT 'akía +cu +máamia i-'aranas-á +ini.
OG none already just trouble their
OFTE They had no trouble.
rf ST03_01_72a
PT siɾoiʔey
NR siɾoi'ei
GE very.troublesome
FTE The people were in big trouble.
FTC 人們非常困擾。
OT sira'e 'ai
OG very troublesome
OFTE People were in big trouble.
rf ST03_01_72b
PT siʔinaʉn kan tsu tsa:u ha na:taʔʉnʔini kan na: ʔanivʔin ka:vaŋvaŋ ma:mia na:nounoumani:
NR si'ina-'ʉn kan cu cau sua naata'ʉʉn-ini kan naa'aniv-in kavangvang maamia naanounoumani-i
GE burn-UV1 QUOT COS people RP ex.stool-POSS:3 QUOT ex.wall-POSS:3 all just ex.everything-POSS:3
FTE They made fire with their chairs, with their walls and everything.
FTC 他們把他們的椅子、牆和所有東西都給燒了。
OT si'iná-ene +kaní +cu cáau sua+ naa-ta'áen +ini +kani naa-'aniv +ini, kaa-vangévange +máamia sua+ naa-nau-nau-naumaní +ini.
OG make-fire(PF) it-is-said already people NOM ex-chair their it-is-said ex-wall their all just NOM ex-everything their
OFTE They made fire with their chairs, walls, and everything.
rf ST03_01_73
PT ʔe:si patiʔuɾiʔuɾiŋ kani aɾupaʔuɾiʔuɾiŋ
NR 'esi pati'uri'uring kani 'arupa-'uɾi'uɾing
GE be.located light.up QUOT mutual-light.up
FTE They were lighting up fire to each other.
FTC 他們用火互相照明。
OT 'áisi paati-'uri-'uríngi +kani arupa-a-'uri-'uríngi.
OG be carry-fire it-is-said each-other-carry-fire
OFTE People were carrying fire to each other.
rf ST03_01_74
PT ŋute-ʔin mu-ʔana-ʔuna-ʔuvun ŋuteʔin maʔaɾa kʉn avaɾa mamya ŋutein mutsanumu
NR ngute-in mu'ana'una'uvun ngute-'in ma-'ara kʉna 'avara maamia ngute-'in muacanumu
GE some-POSS:3 go.search.for.something some-POSS:3 AV-take food anything just some-POSS:3 go.to.water
FTE Some of them went to the fallow, some brought whatever food, some went to the water.
FTC 有些人去了休耕地,有些人帶了任何可吃的食物,有些人去了水邊。
OT ngutá +ini mu-a-na'u-na'úvunu, ngutá +ini ma-ala kaén-a aavalá'i +máamia, ngutá +ini mu-a-canúmu.
OG some their go-to-fallow some their take food whatever just some their go-to-water
OFTE Some of them went to the fallow (to find crops), some brought food of what so ever, some fetched water.
rf ST03_01_75
PT ʔe:si manasasiavʉ suataʔe:si napaɾamatʃi nimupanaʔʉ taniaɾʉ
NR 'esi manasasiavʉ sua ta'esi'a napaɾamaci ni-mu-pana'ʉ taniarʉ
GE be.located satisfied RP location Naparamaci RSLTV-AV-shoot sun
FTE Those who were at Naparamaci's place, who shot the sun, were satisfied.
FTC 那些曾在Naparamaci處將太陽射下的人十分滿足。
OT 'áisi ma-nasasíave sua+ ta-'áisi-a naparamáci ni-mu-paná'e taníare.
OG be rich NOM being-place Naparamaci shot sun
OFTE Those who were at the place of Naparamaci who shot the sun were rich.

Copyright: Ilka Wild 2013