Mo'o 2014 Narration 1

Table abbrevations:

PT= phonetic transcription

NR= normalized representation 

GE= gloss English

FTE= free translation English

FTC= free translation Chinese

This narration was recorded by Ilka Wild in collaboration with Elizabeth Zeitoun in March 2014 in Namasia village. The speaker is Mo'o Kangena. He produced this text when he was asked to talk about his life.

For details regarding the revision/ reediting of the text please refer to ‚Language Documentation‘.

2014 Moo Narration 1

Moo Narration 1/2014

rf 2014_Moo_N01_01
PT mia kapta:n ku ya ni-meipatʃei ku ni-papa-kaʔʉ:nʉ ku tsau tsamai mata paʔitʃi
NR mia kaptaan ku ia ni-meipacei ku ni-papa-ka'ʉʉnʉ ku cau camai mata pa'ici
GE when leader 1SG.A TOP RSLTV-? 1SG.A RSLTV-CAUS-eat 1SG.A person with wine
FTE When I was the leader, I let the people eat and drink.
rf 2014_Moo_N01_02
PT matsaŋatsaŋaɾa tsu
NR macangacangara cu
GE happy COS
FTE And they were happy.
rf 2014_Moo_N01_03
PT nakai a:ka tsʉpʉŋa ku
NR nakai aaka cʉpʉnga ku
GE but bad mind 1SG.A
FTE But I was sad.
rf 2014_Moo_N01_04
PT takatʃitʃin ku patsʉpʉtsʉpʉŋ
NR takacicin ku pacʉpʉcʉpʉng
GE allone 1SG.A think
FTE I thought by myself:
rf 2014_Moo_N01_05
PT te: tsi ku tsu makinanu
NR tee ci ku cu makinanu
GE COS 1SG.A COS do.what
FTE "What should I do?"
rf 2014_Moo_N01_06
PT ʔa:n ku tavaɾaʔʉ pukaɾikaɾi
NR ka'aan ku tavara'ʉ pukarikari
GE NEG 1SG.A know speak
FTE I didn't know what to say.
rf 2014_Moo_N01_07
PT te: tsi kita makinanu
NR tee ci kita makinanu
GE COS 1PI.A do.what
FTE What should we do?
rf 2014_Moo_N01_08
PT kaʔa:n ku tavaɾaʔʉ pukaɾikaɾi
NR ka'aan ku tavara'ʉ pukarikari
GE NEG 1SG.A know speak
FTE I didn't know what to say.
rf 2014_Moo_N01_09
PT a:ka tsʉpʉŋa ku
NR aaka cʉpʉnga ku
GE bad mind 1SG.A
FTE I was sad.
rf 2014_Moo_N01_10
PT makinanu misa ku
NR makinanu misa ku
GE do.what say 1SG.A
FTE "What to do?" I said.
rf 2014_Moo_N01_11
PT takatʃitʃin ku patsʉpʉtsʉpʉŋ makinanu
NR takacicin ku pacʉpʉcʉpʉng makinanu
GE allone 1SG.A think do.what
FTE I thought by myself: "What to do?"
rf 2014_Moo_N01_12
PT nuaɾi tanam ku maɾitsuvutsuvuŋ mamanu
NR nuari tanam ku maricuvucuvung mamanu
GE in.the.sequel try 1SG.A put.together children
FTE In the sequel I tried to hold the children together.
rf 2014_Moo_N01_13
PT te: ku masitanam apatimana ŋuain
NR tee ku masitanam apa-timana nguain
GE 1SG.A ?-try CAUS-hear DEM
FTE I wanted to try to make them listen (to me?).
rf 2014_Moo_N01_14
PT te: kaɾaʔe matsaŋatsaŋaɾa sa kaʔa:n kaɾa
NR tee kara'e macangacangara sa ka'aan kara
GE INT happy or NEG INT
FTE "Are we happy or not?"
rf 2014_Moo_N01_15
PT masiɾupaŋ ku pukaɾikaɾi
NR masirupang ku pukarikari
GE finish 1SG.A spreak
FTE I was done speaking.
rf 2014_Moo_N01_16
PT makatipitipei ŋuain makatipitipei ɾamutsu
NR makatipitip-ei nguain makatipitip-ei ramucu
GE clap-UV2 DEM clap-UV2 hand
FTE They applaused, they clapped hands.

Copyright: Ilka Wild 2013