On this language description
The Kanakanavu language is one of the most endangered aboriginal languages on Taiwan (R.O.C.). Kanakanavu is insufficiently described and documented. Thus, documentation and description of Kanakanavu are extremely urgent.
This website has the purpose to share knowledge on that endangered language the Kanakanavu project team gained starting with the Kanakanavu language documentation project in 2012. Beyond that, the project team will share as many information on the language as possible even after the project period 2012-2015.
Team member Ilka Wild will write a PhD thesis on a linguistic phenomenon of the Kanakanavu language in the near future.
In addition to this, the team is in contact with孔岳中/Pani, an active member of the Kanakanavu community and we agreed mutual help with language description and the dictionary project of the community.